You open up a fresh Word Doc.
You start typing…
Your hands hover over the keyboard as you stare blankly at the bright white page staring back at you.
Your eyes dart around the blank page as you worry,
When you do finally get some words on the page, you find yourself feeling stuck because it does not come across the right way.
Or, you feel lost in knowing what will actually convert.
But there is ‘one thing’ that will ultimately determine if you rise to the top of your niche or become irrelevant.
The dictionary definition of copy is “the art and science of strategically delivering words that gets people to take some sort of action.”
They’re the words that fill your sales pages, the 140 characters in your tweets, and the script for your video tutorials, audios, and presentations.
For me, copy isn’t just about any old words. As the founder of a company called Conscious Copy & Co., I live and work by my definition of conscious copy: written words that sell with authenticity and integrity.
Before creating my own copywriting agency, I had NEVER considered myself a writer. But when I entered the online business world, I quickly realized the success of my company would depend on my ability to write and communicate.
Along the journey from being a “stare at the screen and not know what to say therefore close my Macbook and hope that inspiration magically strikes me to write compelling copy” kinda gal, to founding the top copywriting agency in the personal development and business development space… I learned A TON.
Consumers’ “BS meters” are through the roof. They want to engage with real, authentic leaders. Now, more than ever, they care about who you are, what your values are, and how you consistently show up in your everyday life.
On top of that, a survey of Canadian media consumption by Microsoft concluded that the average human’s attention span had fallen to eight seconds, that’s less than a goldfish.
They have more options than ever to choose who they pay attention to and who they hand their credit card over to.
And so now more than ever, your message matters.
Your marketing and copy needs to be clear. It needs to connect on an emotional level. It needs to convert prospects into paying customers.
Your message needs to attract the right people, and repel the wrong people. It needs to cut through the noise of the marketplace. It needs to guide your ideal clients to a clear destination.
It needs to be used to build an authentic relationship with your audience so they know, like, and trust you so you’re top of mind when they’re ready to buy.
Ask yourself, “What makes you different & unique?”
Then, think about how to communicate in a way that gets people’s attention.
Hint: If it’s all about you and nothing about who you’re trying to help, you’ll become irrelevant. People will identify with you because they see a part of themselves in you or they stand for your company values.
How exactly do you
help people?
You have to learn to explain what you do, who you do it for, how you help them, what you stand for, and what you don’t… all in a concise way. Get clear on how you want to be perceived, who you want to attract, and who you want to repel.
I know many entrepreneurs and business owners who stand for something great, but fall short when it comes to getting people to take action and buy from them.
You have to package yourself in a way that’s sellable. This is a challenge for most of us because it feels uncomfortable to self-identify our gifts and communicate how we can help people with our unique abilities. When you package yourself the right way, with a clear process and create a call to action, you can seamlessly guide customers to take action (purchase) in an authentic and natural way.
One of our clients, Chalene Johnson, does a fantastic job at selling the essence of herself through her products and services. We helped create a campaign around her PUSH journal - a complementary product to her course and event called SMART Success. Chalene is very appealing to her ideal client because she sells a lifestyle they crave, and one that she has successfully achieved - in her business, health, family, and partnership. Her course, journal, and live events act as the airplane that get people to their desired destination - a life where they are calm, present, and at peace.
Authenticity is a big value of ours at Conscious Copy & Co. We help our clients show up and embody authenticity and transparency. My good friend and client, Joe Polish does the most incredible job at this. His latest publication, The Average Joe’s Marketing Book, is an excellent example of this. The name alone portrays the importance of copy. In his book, he talks about being an average Joe. He shares his story of how he came from being a dead broke carpet cleaner to becoming one of the most connected influencers in the world, all thanks to marketing. His humble approach, that doesn’t shy from sharing the dark side of his story, inspires people and motivates them.
The key to authenticity is consistency. Align your thoughts, words, and actions everywhere you show up - online and off.
My client and friend Sally Hogshead is known for saying, “different is better than better.”
When I started my agency, I could have chosen to compete on being a better copywriter. Instead, I decided to create a new category and be the best at it: Conscious Copywriting. As a result, I was able to quickly become the go-to copywriter in the personal development and business development space with conscious copy.
Nobody does this better than my client, Dean Graziosi. One of his top 5 secrets to success is being enthusiastic as hell. Dean is one of the top influencers in real estate and business success. He shows up with a fire that fuels the masses. He’s real, enthusiastic, and encouraging.
You might think, “But Jennifer, I’m not that outgoing.” That’s okay – you don’t have to be!
You simply have to reach in and access your biggest asset…
I challenge and encourage you to tap into the power of conscious copy by leading with integrity and authenticity. It’s what clients are looking for, and how you can transform your position as just another fish in the sea to the go-to brand for your market.
Step into your authentic self and start turning clients’ heads
your way with our Influencer Positioning™ Cheat Sheet.