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Where entrepreneurs come to gain
clarity on their next big vision

LIVE, October 24 - 26th, 2024

LIVE, October 24 - 26th, 2024 AUSTIN, TX

“Whether you’re starting your Vivid Vision from scratch or you’ve taken a crack at it on your own… I highly recommend Jennifer and her team to help you. They have helped me do four different Vivid Visions… and every time, I’m impressed. I send all of my clients to them because they are the best and really know how to work with the CEO/entrepreneur.”
Founder of COO Alliance & Author of Vivid Vision

Are You An


  • Lacking some direction of where you want to take your business and life next?
  • Grown rapidly, achieved a lot, and have “arrived” at your initial milestone… but now you’re stepping into a new phase, wondering, “what now?”
  • Built momentum from driving things forward but are feeling unfulfilled, dissatisfied, or exhausted by the way in which you’ve been building and creating?
  • Have a team and clients looking for direction and a vision to follow, but you struggle to be able to guide them because you’re not totally clear yourself?

Or maybe….

  • You’re clear of your vision, but you have a difficult time communicating it to those around you so they get it.
  • You’re clear of what you want in certain areas of your life but not others. For example, you’re clear of what you want in business… but not your relationships. Or you’re clear of what you want with your relationships but not your business.
  • You want to grow faster, but you keep getting dragged into the day-to-day by your team or partner because they can’t see the BIG picture.
  • You see the vision in your head, but those around you, like your team or partner, don’t see it too, and it’s frustrating because you feel like you’re on two different channels.

If you find yourself nodding your head,
you’re invited to apply for…

Imagine… three expansive days focused on YOU and YOUR
VISION FOR THE FUTURE in a beautiful environment.

Here is just some of the magic you’ll experience…

A Proven

Process To Clarify

Your Vision

Be guided through the proven Vivid Vision® process to expand and clarify your 3-year vision for the future in the areas of your health, relationships, business, and lifestyle.

Space To


Exhale and allow yourself the time and space to connect to what you truly desire most for your life.

Rewire Your

Brain & Body

It’s one thing to have clarity of your vision. It’s another thing to truly embody it and be the person who has that vision. Experience some of the most powerful practices to help you rewire your brain and body to become a match to your vision.

a Community

Of Leaders

Stretch yourself to think and dream bigger by being surrounded by like-minded leaders who are committed to playing all out in every area of their life.

Source Solutions

From The Infinite

Discover how visionaries like Thomas Edison and Henry Ford used to tap into what they called “The Land Of The Solution” to download their inventions and creatively problem-solve.


Your Vision

Learn how to communicate and enroll others into your Vivid Vision, including your team, clients, partner, and vendors so they can help you build it.


Delicious Meals

The retreat includes breakfast, lunch, drinks, and snacks that will keep you nourished and energized throughout the day.

Daily Breathwork

& Visualization


You’ll be guided through powerful breathwork and visualization to help you release old patterns that no longer serve you, get into a “vision state,” and be able to tap into the infinite side of your nature.

Exclusive Celebration

Dinner & Musical


On Day 3, get ready for an epic celebration to anchor in your commitment to your vision.


Massage and Cold ExposurE

Keep your body relaxed and nourished throughout the retreat with optional self-care sessions.

The Most Important

Piece Of Advice

I’ve Received, Ever.

During a time when things felt extra chaotic, overwhelming, and scary in my business and life, I reached out to one of my mentors for advice.

Within seven days, I had two of my top team members resign, my biggest client left, had a personal health scare come up, and was feeling so much pressure looking at the next quarter, wondering how
I was going to keep it all together when things felt like they were beginning to unravel at the seams.

On the phone with my mentor, on the brink of a meltdown, she gave me some of the most important advice I’ve ever received in my life.
She stated,

“This is simply the law of physics playing out. The universe evolves through chaos.

Anything that’s not a vibrational match to your vision is rising up to either be released or transformed.

But you have one of two choices in all of this.

The first choice is to put your focus on the circumstance and allow the circumstance to have you.

Or you can have this circumstance without the circumstance having you. The key to this all is to keep your attention and emotions on the vision and to…

Hold the vision,

not the circumstance.

That advice landed in my cells at the moment I needed it most.

And because I had done the work already to have clarity on my vision, I was able to anchor back into it every day and use my circumstance as the raw material to help me design my business and life in a way that was much more life-giving.

Fast forward, and what looked like it was going to be the beginning of a very challenging year ended up being one of the best years of my life.

I recruited a superstar team.

It ended up being the best financial year (amongst many other records surpassed) we’ve ever had.

I restructured my business model in a way that was simple and scalable.

I used the health scare as a wake-up call to become impeccable with how I take care of my body.

And it prepared me for 2020 😉

I know that a big part of transforming my story was because I held the vision, not the circumstance.

Right now, we are in a chaotic time as a collective,
and being an entrepreneur in this season can feel like
a lot of responsibility.

Sometimes it can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders with your team, clients, family, and friends all relying on you for leadership and for answers that sometimes you don’t even know how to respond to.

Although it can feel like a lot of pressure, you were made for this, and you know that.

During this time in history,

your #1 job is to be the Vision Holder,

for yourself and for others.

To come up with an expansive and life-giving vision for your future and the future of your company. One that you can rally around even in the most difficult times.

At The Vivid Vision Retreat, you will be able to unplug from the noise of the world so you can connect to your higher self and gain greater clarity of your future.

You’ll also learn how to communicate your vision in a clear and powerful way so you can show up as a leader who helps expand and evolve the world for the greater good.

After guiding over 1,000+ entrepreneurs through the Vivid Vision Method for the past 5+ years, I can tell you firsthand that this process will change your life.

The retreat is designed in a very intentional way to help you gain clarity of your vision and learn how to communicate it so you can lead from it and make it your reality faster.

It would be my honor and privilege to get to help you on this important journey.

Jennifer Hudye







The Journey

To Creating Your

Vivid Vision


Create The Right Environment

For Your Higher Vision

To Come Through

There’s a term called Tzimtzum in the Old Testament that explains how God created the world. It says, at first, God needed to contract and make the space for the world to exist before the world could be created.

Said a different way, before building the creation, there needed to be space for the creation. The world could not be created if there was no space for it.

So, how does this relate to you?

If you want to expand your vision for what’s possible, you need to first make space (by subtracting the unsupportive thought patterns and activities in your life that don’t give you energy), so you make room for the stuff that’s better than you can dream up!

In addition, on Day 1, you’re going to begin to uncover any of the blocks that may be keeping you from achieving greater levels of success.


Begin To Clarify Your

3-Year Vivid Vision

There’s a special reason you’ll be creating a 3-year vision and not a 1-year or a 10-year. Three years is far enough out into the future that you’ll be able to allow yourself to stretch what’s possible but also not too far out that you can’t focus on the details.

You’ll be guided through the proven process we’ve taken over 1,000 entrepreneurs through to gain crystal clarity on what you want each area of your life to look, feel, and sound like—as if you already have it.

Whether you currently have clarity in one area (like your health) but not in another (like your relationships) or you’ve struggled to do vision work in the past, this will help you break through.


Becoming The Leader

Who Brings This Vision

Into Reality

A mentor of mine says, “We don’t go to our vision, we come from our vision.”

So once you have a clear vision for the future you love, the journey begins for you to become the leader who has that vision.

You’ll learn how to tap into the same processes visionaries like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Andrew Carnegie used to plug into the infinite side of their nature when faced with challenges and situations that would test them.

Become familiar with the version of you who leads from your vision.


How To Communicate

AND Lead From

your Vivid Vision

It’s key for you to see your vision in your mind… but if you can’t also communicate it to others, you are blocking yourself from allowing support from others to help you connect the dots and make it your reality faster.

I often see leaders struggle to consistently communicate their vision, and so often, it won’t go further than their own mind or gets lost in translation with their team.

So you’ll be guided to create a rough draft of your Vivid Vision. The Vivid Vision is a document that paints the picture of what your life and/or company’s future looks like 3-years into the future as if it’s already happened.

And once you can clearly communicate your Vivid Vision, you can discern if something is an aligned opportunity or a seduction distraction.

Your Guides On



Jennifer Hudye-Moscow – Host


Jennifer Hudye is the visionary force behind Vision Driven, a company dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and CEOs clarify, communicate, and connect to their next big vision for their business and life. 

As a sought-after guest speaker and facilitator, Jennifer has spoken at top entrepreneurial events such as the Genius Network Annual Event, Traffic & Conversion Summit, TEDx, Tiger 21, Mindshare, War Room, and Entrepreneur’s Organization (EO) Chapters across the US. Her client list has included influential figures like Tony Robbins, Strategic Coach, Joe Polish, Bulletproof Coffee, Brendon Burchard, and other notable experts.

Through her 1:1 work with clients, in-person retreats, and online programs, she and her team have helped over 2000 entrepreneurs doing 7 to 9 figures using their signature Vivid Vision® process (that she partnered on with Cameron Herold) to help clients craft a compelling vision for the future, align their teams, and stay motivated and focused.

Jennifer grew up in a family of entrepreneurs, starting her first company at the age of 13 alongside her sister and two cousins… and sold two companies for 6 and 7 figures by the age of 19. You can say entrepreneurship is in her blood, and it’s why she’s so committed to helping entrepreneurs connect, communicate, and bring forth their vision into the world.

Jennifer Hudye is the founder of Vision Driven Ventures—a group of companies and collaborations focusing on helping entrepreneurs clarify and communicate the vision and message they’re here to bring to the world, inspiring people to take action. The brands include Conscious Copy & Co. (Founder), (Partner), and Vision Amplifier (Co-Founder).

She’s also a frequent guest speaker at top entrepreneurial events including Genius Network Annual Event, Entrepreneur’s Organization (EO), Traffic & Conversion Summit, TEDx, and War Room. Past clients include household names like Tony Robbins, Strategic Coach, Joe Polish, Bulletproof Coffee, Brendon Burchard, and many other noteworthy experts. She guides top leaders through the same principles and tools that helped her quickly build Conscious Copy & Co, the top messaging/copywriting company in the online business space.

Jennifer and her team have helped over 400+ companies 1:1 through the Vivid Vision® process where she’s partnered with Cameron Herold to help founders and CEOs clarify and communicate their 3-year vision so they can attract top talent, align their team, create key partners and vendors, and stay focused and motivated. Many of their clients are 7, 8, and 9 figure companies, including brands like Clickbank, Organifi,,, and Hapbee.

Jennifer grew up in a family of entrepreneurs, starting her first company at the age of 13 alongside her sister and two cousins… and sold two companies for 6 and 7 figures by the age of 19. You can say entrepreneurship is in her blood, and it’s why she’s so committed to helping entrepreneurs connect, communicate, and bring forth their vision into the world.

Alex J Moscow – Co-Host


For the past 14 years, Alex J Moscow has cemented his place in the coaching industry by showing his clients how to sell and overdeliver on ultra-high-end services ($100k+), as well as walk away with 7 figures in profit from their live events.

He has been featured in Forbes and Entrepreneur magazine and delivered his trainings to organizations, including Entrepreneur’s Organization (EO), Rythmia Life Advancement Center, Tiger 21, Mastermind 2 Millions, and many others.

Alex and his fiance, Jennifer Hudye, co-created The Vision Amplifier Experience, which utilizes guided breathwork, science-based visualization, and architected music DJ’d live to help leaders and their teams connect to their vision and make it a reality, faster.

At the heart of Alex’s endeavors is his passion for equipping industry-leading entrepreneurs with cutting-edge, transformational tech so they can have the freedom and fulfillment they desire in all areas of their lives.

Over the past 12 years, Alex J Moscow has cemented his place in the coaching industry as one of the most trustworthy, congruent, and courageous business mentors by helping his clients grow highly profitable businesses that fuel their mission and lifestyle.

He has been featured in Forbes and Entrepreneur magazine and has shared the stage with industry leaders like Suzanne Evans, Jeff Walker, David Bayer, and many others.

With one of the highest client success rates in the industry, Alex is passionate about creating transformational experiences that combine powerful breakthrough technology, breathwork, visualization, and music to help leaders uplevel all areas of their lives.

He’s also co-founded Vision Amplifier with his fiance Jennifer Hudye, which utilizes guided breathwork, science-based visualization, and intentionally architected music to help leaders and their teams connect to their vision and make it a reality, faster.

Cameron Herold – Virtual Guest Speaker

Cameron Herold is known around the world as THE CEO WHISPERER. He is the mastermind behind hundreds of companies’ exponential growth. Cameron has built a dynamic consultancy with a client roster that includes a ‘Big 4’ wireless carrier and a monarchy. What do his clients say they like most about him? He isn’t a theory guy—they like that Cameron speaks only from experience. He earned his reputation as the business growth guru by guiding his clients to double their profit and revenue in just three years or less.

Cameron was an entrepreneur from day one. At age 21, he had 14 employees. By 35, he helped build his first TWO $100 MILLION Companies. By the age of 42, Cameron engineered 1-800-GOT-JUNK?’s spectacular growth from $2M to $106M in revenue and 3,100 employees—and he did that in just six years. His companies landed over 5,200 media placements in that same six years, including coverage on Oprah.

Dr. Patty Ann Tublin – Guest Trainer

Dr. Patty Ann Tublin is the CEO and Founder of Relationship Toolbox LLC, a training and development consulting firm specializing in the development of emotional intelligence and other “soft” skills that promote optimal individual and group performance that impacts the bottom line. As a relationship, communication, and emotional intelligence expert, Dr. Patty Ann will coach entrepreneurs at the retreat to move through the blocks that keep them stuck from their next level of growth and fulfillment.

Dr. Patty Ann is a frequent guest expert on every major TV and print media platform, including ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX Business News, The WSJ, The NYT, Forbes, INC., SUCCESS Magazine, and Entrepreneurial Women Magazine, to name a few.

Dr. Patty Ann’s world-class education includes a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (Summa cum Laude), two Master’s Degrees, and an Executive Coaching Certification.

Click on the images to view examples

A Few Ways A

Vivid Vision

Can Help You To…


  • Recruit top talent to your company
  • Have clarity when scaling up
  • Get the right people in the right seats
  • Keep your high-performers on the team for the long run
  • Help you show up as a confident leader
  • Get customers, vendors, and key partners on board


  • Align your partner, family, and friends to your vision of the future
  • Help you get clear of what you want for your romantic life, family, and friends


  • Make decisions around your health from your vision so you can stay focused and committed to your goals.
  • Fill your cup up first so you have the energy and vitality to show up as the leader you’re here to be.


  • Determine how you want to set up your calendar in a way that’s expansive to you and your core values
  • Focus in on where you want to live, where you want to travel, and how you want to give

More Stories of Powerful Transformations

The Vivid Vision


Upcoming Dates
October 24-26th, 2024 Live, Austin, TX
January 16-18th, 2025 Live, Austin, TX

The Investment

For The

For The

For The Entrepreneur/CEO
+ Business Partner
or Life Partner

What You’ll Receive:
One Person To Attend:

(Accommodations not included)

What You’ll Receive:
Two People To Attend:

(Accommodations not included)

Regular $5,997

Super Early Bird until August 16th - $3,495
(Save $1,500)

Regular $9,997

Super Early Bird until August 16th - $7,495
(Save $1,500)

Have Questions About The Vivid Vision Retreat To Make Sure It’s Right For You?

For The

What You’ll Receive:
One Person To Attend:

(Accommodations not included)

Regular $5,997

Super Early Bird until August 16th - $3,495 (Save $1,500)

For The Entrepreneur/CEO
+ Business Partner
or Life Partner

What You’ll Receive:
Two People To Attend:

(Accommodations not included)

Regular $9,997

Super Early Bird until August 16th - $7,495 (Save $1,500)

Have Questions About The Vivid Vision Retreat To Make Sure It’s Right For You?

My Promise To You…

If by Day 1 at lunch you don’t feel like you’ve already gotten your entire investment’s worth, simply come to one of our team members, and we will refund all of your money plus give you a $500 travel credit.


Entrepreneurs, CEO’s, Founder

The event is for Entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and Leaders. If your spouse or business partner is one of the following, they can apply to attend with you.

  • At a private home 20 minutes northwest of the Austin International Airport.

  • We will provide the exact address to participants once they register.

Each day will go approximately from 10am-7pm CST. We will provide official times once registered.

Some recommendations nearby the retreat location include:

  • DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Austin Northwest Arboretum

    • Between $130-$180 a night

    • 3 star hotel

    • 6.5 miles / 13 min drive

  • Omni Barton Creek Resort & Spa

    • $360-$450 a night

    • 4 star hotel

    • 10 miles / 18 min drive

Breakfast, lunch, drinks & snacks are provided.

Wear comfy clothes you can move in, and bring your favorite journal and pen!

We’re confident that we will go ahead as planned. However, in our “new normal” it’s impossible for us to guarantee that. So here’s our promise to you:

  • If WE have to cancel the retreat due to COVID restrictions, you’ll receive a 100% refund.
  • If YOU need to cancel your ticket, you’ll be able to receive a full refund, so long as you cancel up to 30 days before the retreat.